UPDATE: 4-10-2020 Thank you to everyone who has been working so hard on the Google Classroom work! Keep the following due dates in mind: NTI Days 1-6 are all due on April 17 NTI Days 7-9 are all due on April 24 NTI Days 10-15 are all due on May 1 NTI Days 16-21 are all due on May 8 Get in touch with questions via email ([email protected]), Remind, or we can meet virtually via Google Classroom Thanks guys! IMPORTANT UPDATE: 3-19-2020 We're moving to Google classroom. Our class code is rkctnjm You'll find assignments organized by day there and it's pretty much the same material is what is posted below, but now you can actually submit it to me electronically. The due date for all assignments below is 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 5th. Email me at [email protected] with questions, or if you think I've set something up incorrectly on google classroom as I am a total newbie :) Note--if you think there is anyone in our class unable to access materials on line, I'd LOVE it if you told me and I will reach out to them in a different way. Thank you!!! Thanks! To keep up to date, be sure to join our Remind group: Or see below on instructions on how to join. Don't forget to also check this website regularly! While we are out March 16-March 29 (plus Spring Break), you need to complete the work from the two units below. All handouts and homework assignments are there, along with the keys to all notes and homework assignments so you can check your work as you go. If you were in class on Friday, March 13th you should have gotten many of the hard copies already. The two quiz reviews are also below. When we return we'll spend some time reviewing as a class and then take the quizzes. You do need to have all of the work below complete by April 6 (bring it all to class with you!). Be careful and stay safe guys!
March 2020 Unit 1: Quadratics
3-13: Intro to Quadratics Read and Try packet 3-12: Exam 2 3-11: Exam review in class. Exam tomorrow 3-10; Senior Shadowing 3-9: Start on Exam review. You'll have Wednesday to work on it too. Test Thursday! 3-6: pg 4 in "Extra Practice" packet 3-5: 8 Domain questions from board. 3-4: "More Fns" packet in class. No HW 3-3: Piecewise Fns notes in class, no HW 3-2: Function "CLUE" WS 2-27: Same 3.1 WS as Tuesday, #35, 36, 41 2-26: Transformation HW WS 2-25: Finish Exam. Functions "Read and Try" WS. 3.1 Notes, then 3.1 WS #21, 23, 27, 30 2-24: Ch 1 Exam. 15 minutes to finish tomorrow 2-21: Finish studying for Test on Monday! 2-20: Time to work on exam review and start Color Match WS. Test on Friday or Monday, your choice! 2-19: Time to work on exam review and start Color Match WS. Test on Friday or Monday, your choice! 2-18: 1.7 WS #5-19 odd, 24-34 evens. 2-14: Time to start on Ch 1 Exam review. Ch 1 Exam can be taken Friday, Feb 21 or Monday, Feb 24th. We'll finish all new material on Tuesday, Feb 18th. 2-13: With sub: 1.6 WS #17-33 odd, 36, 37, 39, 47, 53, 71 2-12: 1-6 Notes in class, NO HW 2-11: Check solutions to Wednesday and yesterday. Read and Try Packet, due to Ms. Roark by end of hour 2-10: Same 1.5 WS as Wednesday, #27-32, 39, 40 2-5: 1.5 WS #5-25 odd 2-4: Ch 1 Quiz 2-3: Ch 1 Quiz Extra Review sheet. Quiz tomorrow! 1-31: Time for Ch 1 Quiz Review. Quiz on Tuesday, Feb 4th! 1-30: With sub: Complex Number Color Match and Day 2 HW WS 1-29: Complex Numbers Day 2 Notes, no hw 1-28: 2.4 Additional Practice WS 1-27: 1.3 WS #7, 9, 11, 13,15 by factoring and #18, 19, 23 by completing the square 1-24: Card Sort-Sometimes, Always, Never 1-23: 1.1 WS (same one as yesterday) #32, 40, 46, 49 1-22: 1.1 WS #13, 17, 21, 23, 26, 30 1-21: Notes in packet (pg 24/25). WS: "Different Forms of Equations"/"Addtional Practice" WS 1-17: Chapter "P" quiz 1-16: Check Quiz Review solutions, complete Extra Practice WS. Quiz tomorrow! 1-15: Due at end of hour: Pages 18-21 odds only. Start Quiz Review after 1-14: Factoring "Batman" WS. Start pg 18-21 odds in packet (you'll have tomorrow to work on it too). Quiz on Friday! 1-13: In packet: pg 22/23 all 1-10: Exponent Puzzle and GCF Read and Try. Ch "P" Quiz on Friday, January 17th! 1-9: pg 14 #1-15 odd and page 17 #13-23 odd 1-8: pg 12 in packet, #1-9 odd, #29-43 odd 1-7: psges 6-9 in Chapter "P" packet 1-6: First 3 pages of Chapter "P" Packet Don't have a 22 on the ACT Math portion, or a 25 on the KYOTE College Readiness test? You need to take the KYOTE College Readiness Test at the Leestown Campus of BCTC this week (it's got to be done in the first week of class!) Here's the link: When you register using the link below, the "group" is "College Placement Exam", then choose "Leestown Campus-College Placement Exam". When you get there they take the KYOTE College Readiness Exam with a goal of a 25. Don't forget to bring your BCTC Id Number 🙂 I also think you can just show up if there is no appointment available. Hours for the testing center are 8:00-4:30 Monday through Thursday and 8:00-3:00 on Friday. FIRST SEMESTER 12-17: Study Hall 12-16: Due at end of hour: Water Park Design Project 12-13: Continue Water Park Design Project 12-12: Continue Water Park Design Project 12-11: Start: Water Park Design Project 12-10: Grinch Project 12-9: Probability Exam 12-6: Time for Probability Exam Answer Analysis and Extra Practice Ws. NOTE!!! Probability Exam has been moved to MONDAY! 12-5: Time for Probability Exam Answer Analysis and Extra Practice Ws. NOTE!!! Probability Exam has been moved to MONDAY! 12-4: Time for Probability Exam Review 12-3: Probability "Worksheet" due at end of class Wednesday. Probability test on Friday! 12-2: Very back page of Probability Packet: Expected Value HW WS. Probability exam on Friday! 11-26: "A Horse is a Horse" Probability Simulation activity 11-25: Have all four assigned Newsela articles completed (go to, sign in through Clever, then through google, and then look for your assignment list. 11-22: Probability Day 5 HW WS 11-21: Probability Day 4 HW WS 11-20: Probability Day 3 HW WS 11-19: Probability Day 2 HW WS 11-18: Probability Day 1 HW WS 11-15: Turn in Housing Project. Not done? Due beginning of class on Monday 11-14: Day 2 of Housing Project 11-13: Day 1 of Housing Project 11-12: Exam 3 11-11: Fair Share Portion of the Review. Test tomorrow! (If we have a delay, test will be pushed back until Wednesday) 11-8: Finance portion of Review. Test on Tuesday! 11-7: Airbnb Group Activity 11-6: Fair Shares Day 2 HW (Method of Sealed Bids) 11-4: pg 103 #1, 2, 7, 10 11-1: Halloween Puzzles! 10-30: Ch 10 "Worksheet" due at end of hour 10-29: Pick the Formula WS. Start Ch 10 "Worksheet"-due at end of class Wednesday 10-28: 10.6 HW WS 10-25: pg 395 #65, 66, 69, 70, 72 and Check/Try/Check Cards 10-24: Finish yesterday's Assignment. 10.5 notes in class, no HW 10-23: pg 393 #31, 33, 36, 37, 40, 43, 46, 50 10-22: Most of 10.3 notes in class, no HW 10-21: pg 393 #21, 24, 25, 27, 30 and 10.2 Review WS 10-18: Percentage Cut and Paste Activity After: pg pg 392 # 2, 4, 7, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19 Taking the ACT? Check out these ACT Questions of the Day! You can access all of his questions he's posted since the beginning of the year. or Google "David Crockett ACT Question of the Day" and chose the one that starts sbstjohn..... Scroll down to the calendar and click on any of the questions. Once you've worked it, click the round button in the lower left hand corner to listen to his solution. 10-17: Dillards Warm Up, extra WS, 10.1 Notes in HW 10-16: Graphing/Scheduling Exam 10-15: In class, graphing review WS. Test tomorrow! 10-14: Scheduling WS. Review graph theory tomorrow, test on Wednesday! 10-11: No HW. Test over Graphing Theory (Nearest Neighbor, Cheapest Link, etc) and Scheduling on Wednesday! 10-10: pg 312 #46a, 47b, 49 10-9: pg 310 #37, 38, 42a 10-8: On WS: pg 310 #29, 32, 35, 36 (note...on the last two you'll want to refer to the diagram from #21 you completed yesterday) 10-7: pg 307 #5, 7, 14, 21 10-2: "Prime Climb" 10-1: Finish Practice packet in class 9-30: Start Practice packet (you'll have time in class to work on it tomorrow too!) 9-27: pg 232 #37, 41 9-26: pg 230 #29, 35 9-25: Start "Touring" Packet. Finish Euler vs. Hamilton WS 9-24; Bridge of Koningsbert WS and Chapter 5 HW Handout 9-23: No HW 9-20: Senior Shadowing, no HW 9-19: pg 194 #24, 26, 27 9-18: pg 1932 #8, 11, 17-19, 21 9-17: Start Ch 5 packet. HW: pg 191 #1, 4 9-16: Exam 1--Voting Methods and Apportionment 9-13: In class, Review Part 2. Also study Part 1 and the three warm up sheets from this week. Test on Monday! 9-12: In class, Review Part 1. Don't forget to study the warm-ups 9-11: Voting Methods Warm Up (know these for the test!). Project due at end of hour. Test on Monday over Voting Methods and Apportionment 9-10: Warm Up-Voting Methods Review (Voting Method and Apportionment Test will be early next week) and Project-due at end of class tomorrow 9-9: 4.6 HW on WS, and Geometric Mean Read and Try WS 9-6: 4.5 HW on WS 9-4: 4.4 HW on WS 9-3: on 4.2 WS: pg 145 #12, 14, 17 8-30: On 4.1 WS: pg 144 #4, 7, 9 8-29: Due 30 minutes into class-"Worksheet 1". Due tomorrow if you were here yesterday, due Tuesday if you missed yesterday. In class-Candy Problem. No Homework! 8-28: In class time to work on "Worksheet 1"--it's an open note quiz! Graded for accuracy! 8-27 pg 35 #41, 43 8-26: pg 35 #36, 37, 39, 51, 52, 55, 8-22: pg 33 #27, 29, 32 8-21: KYOTE for some people. Tuesday's homework due tomorrow! 8-20: Some people are taking the KYOTE tomorrow! For additional practice go to, click on "Placement Exams" and start the practice for the "KYOTE College Readiness Practice" (up near the top) HW (due Thursday: pg 32 #17(hint, look at pg 27), 19 (hint-show D is a Condorcet Candidate), 22 (let the , 23, 25 8-19: pg 31 #12 8-16: Get your parents to READ and sign the letter home! No homework other than that. 8-15: Return syllabus if not turned in. 1.1 Notes, page 29 WS #1-3, 5, 9 WS for homework 8-14: Welcome Seniors!!! Please have the HCHS syllabus signed by your parents (after they've also read the BCTC syllabus)