To keep up to date, be sure to join our Remind group: Text @drjaa280
All information and assignments for the rest of the year are now posted on Google Classroom. Read carefully and let me know if you have any questions! And remember, you are still welcome to turn in any old NTI work for full credit.
Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well! Please make sure that you are staying up to date on Google Classroom. Next week (NTI Days 16-20) you'll have a Khan Academy video on Monday (posted on GC), a 9-2 video that I made (posted on both EnVision and GC) for Tuesday, a 9-2 assignment on EnVision for Wednesday, and then a 9-3 video and EnVision assignment on Thursday and Friday. 9-3 is ellipses and we'll study those more next week too. We'll circle back to 9-1 :)
Thanks, and seriously, reach out if you need anything. Got old NTI work to turn in? Get it to's still worth full credit! Remember we can chat via email, Remind, or set up a Google Hangout. Thanks so much friends!!!
4-10-2020 Update
You're almost done with your first week of NTI! Week 2 materials will open up on Google Classroom on Sunday, April 12th. You will still have one week to complete each assignment. NTI Days 8-10 are EnVision assignments. I'm posting directions below on how to access EnVision at home and remember that you need to be logged onto your device through your school account. Let me know what questions you have...get in touch through Remind, email ([email protected]), or we can meet together virtually through Google Hangouts. I really miss seeing you guys, and I hope you're well!
4-4-2020 Update
Hi guys! Monday is our first NTI Day! If you haven't already, you need to join our Google Classroom. The code is ygmub60
On Google Classroom is the first 5 days of NTI assignments. They all cover graphing trig functions, which is what we were working on in March. Once in Google Classroom, go to the "Classwork" tab, be sure to read the announcement at the top of the page, and then you'll find the assignments for NTI Days 1-5. You have one week to complete each assignment, so your first assignment from Monday, April 6th is due at 11:59 pm on Monday, April 13th.
Please each out to me via email ([email protected]) or message me on Remind if you have any questions about course logistics or the math content. We can chat via email/Remind, or we can set up a virtual meeting on something like Google Hangouts. We'll also schedule some times to meet as a whole class (or at least whoever is available then) to ask questions and just be together again! More info on that coming soon.
I miss you guys and hope everyone is well. Let me know if you're having trouble, or if a classmate is having trouble, and we'll get it worked out.

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3-13: Notes--finish graphing trig packet. No homework assigned until April 6th. Just keep everything I gave you in class and we'll assign later. See note above.
3-12: No HW
3-11: WB pg 180 #5-11
3-10: ACT this morning! Woohoo!
3-9: With Mrs. O'Bryan: Circle Read and Try. Good luck on the ACT tomorrow!
3-6: No HW
3-5: Radians WS
3-4: No HW
3-3: 16 in 16 ACT questions, 7.1 Add'l Practice and 7.1 "Lesson" WS. Due tomorrow--ACT Formula Chart
3-2: In class: pages 1-4 in new ACT packet. HW: Start ACT Formula Organization Chart now that you have the right sheet (sorry about that!). Due on Wednesday
2-28: pg 363 #19, 22, 23, 26, 28-33
2-27: CA 4
2-26: Finish going over CA 4 Review, plus extra review sheet. CA 4 given in class tomorrow!
2-25: Go over CA 4 Review #1-11. Homework: finish the review. Common Assessment 4 will be given in class on Thursday!
2-24: Topic 6 Exam
2-21: Answer Analysis Sheet and "Extra" Review. Test on Monday!
2-20: Practice field test. Finish Exam review
2-19: Time to work on exam review (due beginning of class Friday)
2-18: Geometric Sequence and Series Notes. No new homework, keep working on Topic 6 Review. Review due on Friday, test is now Monday, Feb 24th!
2-14: Notes: Rabbit and Car Stopping Problem. After: Write-your-own Valentine's Day Exponential Growth/Decay Word problem
2-13: 32 Question "Check/Try/Check" Cards in class. Start Ch 6 Review if you want. It's due Thursday, Feb 20th, and test is Friday, Feb 21
2-12: More 6.6 Notes in class. Finish #4-9 on WB pg 152, no other HW.
2-11: With sub: 32 Question Practice ACT. After: Geometric Sequence Read and Try
2-10: In class-Practice Properties of Logs, 6.1-6.3 and 6.5/6.5 Practice WS, no HW
2-5: in class; 60 Question Practice ACT. Not finished? Finish it at home over the next night or two
2-4: 6.5/6.6 Notes in class, no HW.
2-3: MasteryPrep Analysis assignment due. 6.4 Notes in class. No HW
1-31: MasteryPrep Analysis Assignment due on Monday! Sophomores and're correcting any missed problems and watching the matching video.
Freshman/Seniors: Make sure you complete all 60 questions on the practice ACT. No other HW
1-30: Packet with sub, due at the end of the hour!
1-29: 6.2 notes in class, no HW
1-28: 6.1 WS/6.2 Pre-Read on the back
1-27: Card Sort Activity
1-24: Start MasteryPrep Test Analysis
1-23: Topic 5 Exam
1-22: Topic 5 Answer Analysis Activity and Extra Practice WS. Test tomorrow!
1-21: 5-6 additional practice in class. Clue and Topic 5 review due tomorrow. Test on Thursday!
1-17: Time for "Clue" game and Topic 5 Exam Review. Both are due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, Jan 22. Topic 5 Exam on Thursday, Jan 23rd!
1-16: 5-6 Additional Practice WS
1-15: WB pg 134 #5-11
1-14: 5.5 Pre-Read
1-13: Radical Equation Color Match WS
1-10: WB pg 128 #2, 4, 6-12
1-9: WB pg 124 #4-9
1-8: Check/Try/Check Cards. 5-2 Open Note M&M
1-7: Textbook page 253 #28-48 even
1-6: 5.2 notes and in-class practice, no HW!
NOTICE: ALL CLASSES-if you need to make up an old test, the deadline is 3:30 on Thursday, December 12th
12-17: Check/Try/Check Cards over #34-50. Final Exam on Friday!
12-16: Check/Try/Check Cards over #16-33. #34-50 due Tuesday
12-13: Check/Try/Check Cards over #1-15. #16-33 due Monday and #34-50 due Tuesday
12-12: Time for Final Exam Review. #1-15 due Friday
12-11: Test re-take day, if you choose!
12-10: Study hall for (optional) test retakes
12-9: Input CA2 Data. Assigned: 4 Newsela articles. Fill out the google survey!
12-6: In class practice on 5.1. Remember, if you signed up to retake one test, we'll do it in class on Wednesday, December 11th.
12-5: pg 245 #18, 20, 25-45 odd, 46
12-4: Common Assessment 2
12-3: Go over CA2 Review, plus Last Minute Review WS. Common Assessment tomorrow!
12-2: Time to work on Common Assessment 2 Review. Common Assessment will be given on Wednesday, Dec 4th!
11-26: Tissue box project due at the end of the hour
11-25: Tissue box project! Due at end of class on Tuesday
11-22: Topic 4 Exam. Plan on bringing a NEW box of tissues to class Monday or Tuesday of next week (preferably Monday)
11-21: Finish Answer Analysis Chart. Test tomorrow!
11-20: #11-20 on Exam Review. Start Answer Analysis if you want, but you'll have time in class tomorrow too
11-19: #1-10 on Exam Review. Topic 4 Exam on Friday!
11-18: pg 230 #10, 16, 18, 22, 24
11-15: No HW (Note: Test is Friday, November 22)
11-14: pg 222 #17, 18, 21-24
11-13: Math XL Practice in class (4-3). Goal: Get 16 of the 20 questions correct
11-12: pg 215 #9, 18-30 by 3's, 36
11-11: Rational Graph Matching Activity, no HW if finished
11-8: Finish 4 problems on back of WS
11-7: No HW
11-6: Math XL Practice in class. No HW
11-4: pg 199 #14-17, 19, 20
11-1: Topic 3 Exam
10-30: Topic 3 Answer Analysis packet. You'll have part of tomorrow as well. Test on Friday!
10-29: Work on Exam review. Due beginning of class on Wednesday. Test on Friday!
10-28: Start Exam Review. Due beginning of class on Wednesday. Test on Friday!
10-25: 3.5 Additional Practice WS in class, no HW
10-24: Read and Try WS: Finding the Equation given the solution
10-23: pg 168 #17, 19, 22
10-22: pg 168 #8, 9, 12-15
10-21: pg 160 #17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 28
10-18: 2 long division problems in class, no HW
10-17: pg 152 #53, 55, 57. 58
10-16: MathXL assignment in class, no HW
10-15: Textbook page 152 #42-46
10-14: More 3-2 practice in class, no HW!
10-11: WB pg 68 #5-9
10-10: pg 137 #14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25
10-9: Ch 2 Exam!
10-8: TEST TOMORROW! In class-answer analysis for exam review. After-optional but suggested extra study sheet
10-7: Exam Review due tomorrows at the beginning of class. Test on Wednesday!
10-2: Start on Topic 2 Exam review, due on Tuesday, October 8th. Test on Wednesday, October 9th!
10-1: 2-7 Vocab/Literacy WS
9-30: Cut and Paste Activity in class, no HW
9-27: 2-5 Additional Practice WS and 2-6 Pre-Read
9-26: WB pg 52 #5
9-25: Check/Try/Check Cards, WB pg 46 #2-8 and textbook pg 124 #2-24 evens only
9-24: 2-4 Additional Practice WS
9-23: Color Match WS-Imaginary Numbers
9-20: No HW
9-19: WB pg 42 #1, 2, 5-9 and 2-3 Additional Practice WS
9-18: No HW
9-17: Back page of Factoring Notes and 2.3 PreRead
9-16: Group Quiz, Partner Problems, Waiter problem in class, No HW!
9-13: WB pg 39 #1-9, textbook pg 78 #16, 20, 22, 26, 30, and finish 2.1 Day 2 Notesheet (no homework if done in class!)
9-12: No HW!
9-11: WB pg 34 #1-9
9-10: Topic 1 Exam. After: Greatest Common Factor WS
9-9: Test tomorrow! Study the review and complete the optional but encouraged "Last Minute Review" WS
9-6: Time to work on Exam Review...due beginning of class Monday. Test on Tuesday!
9-4: Begin Exam'll have tomorrow in class to work on it too! Test on Tuesday, September 10th
9-3: 3 x 3 Word Problem 3 Question WS
8-30: No HW
8-29: Complete all the problems on 1.6 Systems notesheet
8-28: No HW. Did review WS in class, quick 1.5 notes in WB.
8-27: Review WS in class. Quick 1.5 notes in class. No HW!
8-26: Collect Take Home Quiz. HW-5 questions from bottom on notesheet plus pg 38 #13, 18-20, 22, 26
8-22: Take Home Quiz. Open note! You can complete individually or in groups!
8-21: 1-2 Add'l Practice WS
8-20: WB pg 4 #3-11
8-19: Group Quiz-Domain and Range. In class-1.1 Pre-read. No HW if you're done with the pre-read!
8-16: Transformation M&M in class. Notes: "Graphing Functions Accurately". No HW! Great job this week!!!
8-15: Turn in syllabus tomorrow if you didn't have it today. Homework-page 4 of Transformation calculators allowed! Have the four basic shapes
and the rules of transformations memorized by tomorrow!
8-14: Welcome! Please get your syllabus signed tonight! No other HW!

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