To keep up to date, be sure to join our Remind group: or see instructions below 5-3-2020 Remember that you still have one assignment per week to turn in, and can choose from the nine options on Google Classroom. The week May 18-May 22 is actually optional. So if you turn in three of these assignment, you'll be done with the class. Thanks! 4-24-2020 Hi guys! Make sure you are staying up to date on Google Classroom. For the last four weeks of school we're going to move away from KYOTE review. Instead, you'll have a list of nine options to choose from, and you'll do one activity per week. You can only do each activity once, so you'll pick a different activity each week. I am hoping you can find some options that interest you! Each week, your submission will be due on Friday at 11:59 pm (though if you miss the deadline, please still submit!). Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for your hard work! 4-10-2020 Thank you to everyone who has joined our Google Classroom. If you need the code it is obza3aq For NTI Days 1-15, you've got a daily assignment on Google Classroom. You've got one week from the assign date to get it to me. If it seems easiest, you can just do the work on your own sheet of paper (no need to print unless you want to!), snap a picture of it, and upload. Don't forget to get in touch with me with ANY questions, via Remind, email ([email protected]), or we can meet virtually via Google Hangouts. Thanks guys! ![]()
For anyone who has not passed the KYOTE, we'll be re-taking in April. To find online practice tests: Find "Practice Exams" on the left. Towards the top, press "Start Practice Exam" (You're doing KYOTE College Readiness) There are also four tests that can printed, found at You'll do the College Readiness Practice Tests 3-13: Work on makeup work. 3-12: Voting Methods Quiz 3-11: Quiz Review in class. Quiz tomorrow! 3-10: Senior Shadowing 3-9: 1.6 Rankings WS 3-6: Pairwise Comparison WS 3-5: Borda Count HW WS 3-4: Notes and WS: Plurality with Elimination 3-3: 25 minute class: catch up day. Turn in your Comic Strip project if you haven't already!!! 3-2: Day 1--Voting Methods packet. HW: WS #1, 11 2-28: Turn in Conic Comic Project. If not done, bring in on Monday! 2-27: Keep working on Conic Comic Project 2-26: Introduce Conic Comic Project (due at end of class Friday). 2-25: Conic Section Cut and Paste Activity 2-24: Notes/Inclass work: Conic Section Packet 2-21: Comic Reproduction Project due at the end of the hour 2-20: Comic Reproduction Project 2-19: Circle Cut and Paste Activity 2-18: Circle Read and Try, and Area and Circumference WS 2-14: KYOTE! Didn't get a 22? We'll retest in April! 2-11: WIth sub: KYOTE Practice Test 1, along with clue set. KYOTE on Friday! 2-10: KYOTE packet: Area, Distance, Perimeter 2-5: KYOTE Packet: Factoring, Percents, Fractions 2-4: KYOTE packet: Simplifying Expressions/Inequalities/Literal Equations. KYOTE on Friday, Feb 14th. 2-3: KYOTE next week! Get a 22 to be exempt from your Spring Final! We start reviewing today....KYOTE Packet over solving equations 1-31: Unit 10 quiz in class. After: Order of Operation WS to start our KYOTE review! Due at the end of the hour 1-30: In class with sub: Quiz review and extra review ws. Quiz on Friday! 1-29: Word Problem Systems WS. Systems quiz on Friday! 1-28: WS-solving systems by RREF 1-27: WS-solving systems of elimination: "Ladder" and "Cate" 1-24: WS 8.2 (Solving systems by substitution) 1-23: Solving Systems by Graphing Partner Problems and 8.2 WS (Solving systems by substitution) 1-22: UK Stats Project (You can have 10 minutes in class to finish tomorrow. Need more than 10 minutes? Work on it tonight!) 1-21: Finish Two-Way Table packet. Start UK Stats Project (you'll have tomorrow as well!) 1-17: Stats Day 2: Two Way Tables 1-16: Notes/In-class Practice: Stats Day 1 1-15: Cut and Paste Activity: Writing Equations given the Graph 1-14: Unit 9 Quiz. After: "Read and Try: Writing Equations from Graphs" 1-13: Turn in "Quadratic Quandries":if not done on Friday. Check Quiz Review with solutions. Unit 9 Extra Practice WS. Quiz tomorrow! 1-10: "Quadratic Quandries" WS and Unit 9 Quiz Review. Quiz on Tuesday! 1-9: Packet-Solving Quadratic Equations/ WS 14.17 (Quadratic Formula). Quiz on Tuesday! 1-8: Graphing Quadratics WS 1-7: PacketGraphing Absolute Value to solve. 4th page for in class work 1-6: Transformation of Absolute Value packet (finish all problems we didn't do together) FIRST SEMESTER 12-17: Get solutions to Final Exam Review and time to work on Partner Problems. Final Exam on Friday! 12-16: #41-50 on Final Exam Journal. Time to finish Final Exam Review 12-13: #31-40 on Final Exam Journal. Time to start Final Exam Review 12-12: #21-30 on Final Exam Journal. Finish Grinch Project 12-11: #11-20 on Final Exam Journal. Grinch Project 12-10: #1-10 on Final Exam Journal 12-9: Notes/in-class Practice: Permutations vs Combinations. It's the last of the new material before the Final! 12-6: In class: Official KYOTE! Didn't get a 22? If you have a 20 or a 21 you can retest within ONE week. If you got below that we'll retest in February. You can still earn a Spring Final Exam whenever you retest, so don't worry! 12-5: Time for online practice: Find "Practice Exams" on the left. Towards the top, press "Start Practice Exam" (You're doing KYOTE College Readiness) 12-4: Go over #21-30 on KYOTE Practice Test. Time for online practice: Find "Practice Exams" on the left. Towards the top, press "Start Practice Exam" (You're doing KYOTE College Readiness) 12-3: #1-20 on KYOTE Practice Test #3. We'll give the KYOTE in class on Friday, December 6!) 12-2: Parallel Line Relationships and Counting Techniques WS 11-26: Linear Functions Turkey Activity 11-25: Have all four assigned Newsela articles completed (go to, sign in through Clever, then through google, and then look for your assignment list. 11-22: Trig Coloring WS 11-21: Trig Day 1 WS 11-20: Unit 8 Quiz. After: Percent Review WS 11-19: In class--Turnover Cards and Partner Problems. Quiz tomorrow! 11-18: Finish all even numbers on Quiz 8 Review packet. Quiz on Wednesday! 11-15: In class: 3 Methods of Solving Quadratic Equation, and Matching WS 11-14: In class work: Graphing Parabola WS 11-13: "Books Never Written" WS (after "Solving by Factoring" Read and Try). 11-12: Factoring WS (Fill in the pattern at the bottom!) 11-11: Factoring Trinomials "HW" WS 11-8: WS 13.2 (GCF) and Read and Try (finding equation given the graph) 11-7: 24 Question "FOIL" WS. After: GCF Read and Try 11-6: Unit 7 Quiz. After: Pumpkin Function Notation Coloring WS 11-4: Quiz on Wednesday! Look at your quiz review, quiz preview, and extra practice sheet. Also have following formulas memorized: midpoint, distance, slope 11-1: Collect any last projects. Start Quiz Review. Quiz on Wednesday! 10-30: Continue Water Park project. It's due at the end of the hour tomorrow. 10-29: Continue Water Park Design project. You'll have tomorrow in class as well 10-28: Start Water Park Design project 10-25: Complete 32 Question Practice ACT and Check/Try/Check Cards 10-24: 32 Question Practice ACT and start Check/Try/Check Cards 10-23: "What do I need to study?" ACT Study Guide 10-22: In Class: Start Geometry ACT Prep Packet. After: Trig Read and Try. Then, #1-16 in Trig packet, we'll finish it tomorrow 10-21: In class: Distance and Midpoint Packet. For HW: Parallel and Perpendicular Read and Try 10-18: Quick notes (WS 7-13: Solving for Y). Rest of hour to practice ACT Question of the Day You can access these questions at home too!: or Google "David Crockett ACT Question of the Day" and chose the one that starts sbstjohn..... 10-17: WS 7.11 (Finding equation of line given two points using Linear Regression) 10-16: Point-Slope/Slope-Intercept Partner Problems 10-15: WS: Costume Party and Elderly Animal 10-14: Unit 6 Quiz 10-11: Unit 6 Review...quiz on Monday! 10-10: Determinant Read and Try. After: Matrix Review WS 10-9: Matrix Read and Try and Matrix Practice WS 10-8: Sequences Read and Try Notes. After: Sequence HW WS 10-7: Evaluating Function Notation WS (use the "STO" key on your calculator to make it easy!) 10-2: Quiz 5 (Exponents). After: Functions Read and Try WS 10-1: Go over quiz review. After: Color Match WS. Quiz tomorrow! 9-30: Cut and Paste Activity. After: Quiz 5 Review (quiz on Wednesday!) 9-27: Exponent <--> Radical Notation WS (back of notes). Quiz on Wednesday, you'll get the review on Monday 9-26: Exponential Equations WS 9-25: "Why were the Bones" WS (Scientific notation) 9-24: "Deck of Cards" WS. Note: Quiz on Wednesday, October 2nd! 9-23: 11.1/11.3 HW WS 9-20: Senior HW 9-19: Quiz 4. After-Exponent Exploration 9-18: Go over quiz review from yesterday. After--Turnover Cards. Quiz tomorrow! 9-17: Quick notes-rationalizing the denomiator. Quiz 4 review, due at end of hour. Quiz on Thursday! 9-16: Adding/Subtracting Radical WS and Pythagorean Thm Word Problem WS 9-13: Pythagorean Triple WS and WS: Simplifying Radicals Day 2 9-12: 15.3/15.4 WS 9-11: WS-Prime Factorization and D-76 9-10: D-72/D-74 WS (estimating square roots, pythagorean thm) 9-9: Quiz 3. After: D-71 (square root review) 9-6: Go over quiz review, extra practice sheet. Quiz on Monday! 9-5: E-34/E-37 and Quiz 3 Review due at end of hour. Quiz on Monday! 9-4: Cut and Paste Activity: Percents 9-3: In class: WS E-34/E-37 (Percent word problems) 8-30: Catch up day! Make sure you have all work from this week turned in! 8-29: Cross-Multiplication and Proportion WS (5.3/5.4)'ll have time to work on them tomorrow 8-28: Word problem WS's C-68/C-70 8-27: Quiz. After-C-67 WS with calculator hints 8-26: Quiz tomorrow! Today in class--Turnover Cards and Quiz Review 8-22: 9.4 WS (Systems Word Problems). Quiz on Tuesday! 8-21: In class-"Lion" WS-will have some time in class tomorrow to finish up. Quiz on Tuesday! 8-20: "24" and "Coin Clue" in class. Partner Problems-solving equations. Tentative date for quiz is Tuesday! 8-19: Complete WS 3.16. After-8 Question WS 8-16: Started WS 3.16 in class. You'll have 15 minutes on Monday to finish. If you think you'll need more than that, work on it over the weekend 8-15: Coin Clue and Check/Try/Check cards in class. Great work! No homework, unless you need to get your syllabus signed 8-14: Welcome Seniors!!! Please have the syllabus signed by your parents and complete the back of the GLAM WS if you didn't finish it in class |