If you have any zero's on homework from January-March, you are encouraged to turn them in! You may print off the sheets below or just do the work on your own sheet of paper. If you're doing on your own sheet, be sure to label the name and date of the assignment clearly on top!!! You can take a picture of your work and either email it to me at [email protected] or send it to me via Remind. Thanks guys, and let me know if you have any questions!
If you have any zero's on homework from January-March, you are encouraged to turn them in! You may print off the sheets below or just do the work on your own sheet of paper. If you're doing on your own sheet, be sure to label the name and date of the assignment clearly on top!!! You can take a picture of your work and either email it to me at [email protected] or send it to me via Remind. Thanks guys, and let me know if you have any questions!

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To keep up to date, be sure to join our Remind group: text @drjalg180 to 81010
5-8-2020 Update
Algebra 1
Guys, we are almost done with the year! Make sure you’re staying on top of everything so that you can really finish strong! Get me any missing work you have! Remember that EnVision doesn’t do a great job of notifying me when a student turns in late work, so if you think I have missed grading one of your assignments, please let me know 😊 The work for this week is due on Friday, May 15th, but I won’t be checking it until Monday, May 18th if you need the time over the weekend to get it done. (Plus, you can always submit it after that too, haha).
Here is the schedule for Week 6, though you should be able to tell what is assigned on EnVision. We are finishing Topic 9. Because it is new material, I am also posting short (less than 10 minutes) videos that will hopefully help you complete the assignments. These videos should show up on your assignment list within EnVision…let me know if you have trouble accessing them! Thursday is our last content EVER, and Friday will be a catch-up day. May 18 – May 27 is also time for getting caught up!!!
ALWAYS reach out with questions! I am available via email ([email protected]), Remind, or we can meet virtually via Google Hangouts!
Thanks again guys! I hope you’re doing ok!!!
NTI Days 26-30 Schedule
NTI Day 26/27 EnVision Assignment: Open Note Quiz over 9.2 and 9.3.
Opens Sunday, May 11 Due Sunday, May 15 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 28 EnVision Assignments: 9-4 Virtual Nerd Video (“What is the Square Root Property) AND
NTI Day 28: May 13 (9-4 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 11 Due Sunday, May 15 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 29 EnVision Assignments: 9-6 Video AND
NTI Day 29: May 14 (9-6 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 11 Due Sunday, May 15 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 30 No new assignments….ever! Make sure you’re getting me all missing assignments from our NTI time (they’ll all be posted on EnVision), and get me any missing assignments from January – March (see scanned copies and directions for submitting at
Seriously guys, I really miss you. You were the BEST Algebra 1 class I’ve ever had, and it stinks that I didn’t get to see you the last two months. I hope you’ll always reach out to me when you need something, and come say hi in the fall!!!
5-3-2020 Update
NTI Day 21 EnVision Assignments: Virtual Nerd Video (What is the Zero Product Property) AND
NTI Day 21: May 4 (9-2 Day 1 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 4 Due Sunday, May 10 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 22 EnVision Assignments: Virtual Nerd Video (“How to Solve a Word Problem…”) AND
NTI Day 22: May 5 (9-2 Day 2 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 4 Due Sunday, May 10 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 23 EnVision Assignments: 9-3 Day 1 Video AND
NTI Day 23: May 6 (9-3 Day 1 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 4 Due Sunday, May 10 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 24 EnVision Assignments: 9-3 Day 2 Video AND
NTI Day 24: May 7 (9-3 Day 2 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 4 Due Sunday, May 10at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 25 Catch up day!
4-24-2020 Update
NTI Days 16-20 Schedule
NTI Day 16 EnVision Assignments: 8-2 Video AND NTI Day 16: April 27 (8-2 Practice)
Opens Sunday, April 26 Due Sunday, May 3 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 17 EnVision Assignments: 8-3 Video AND NTI Day 17: April 28 (8-3 Practice)
Opens Sunday, April 26 Due Sunday, May 3 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 18 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 18: April 29 (8-2 and 8-3 Open Note Quiz)
Opens Sunday, April 26 Due Sunday, May 3 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 19 EnVision Assignments: 9-1 Video AND NTI Day 19: April 30 (9-1 Practice)
Opens Sunday, April 26 Due Sunday, May 3 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 20 No new assignment! Catch up in this class! Catch up on another class! Catch up on
sleep! Do whatever seems beneficial 😊 And have a great weekend!
4-17-2020 Update
NTI Day 11 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 11: April 20 (Section 7-2 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 19 Due Sunday, April 26 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 12 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 12: April 21 (Section 7-3 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 19 Due Sunday, April 26 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 13 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 13 April 22 (Section 7-4 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 19 Due Sunday, April 26 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 14 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 14: April 23 (Section 7-5 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 19 Due Sunday, April 26 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 15 No new assignment! Catch up in this class! Catch up on another class! Catch up on
sleep! Do whatever seems beneficial 😊 And have a great weekend!
4-10-2020 UPDATE:
Thanks to everyone who worked so hard last week! Here is the schedule for Week 2, though you should be able to tell what is assigned on EnVision.
ALWAYS reach out with questions! I am available via email ([email protected]), Remind, or we can meet virtually via Google Hangouts!
Thanks guys! I really miss seeing your sweet faces 😊
NTI Day 6 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 6: April 13 (Section 2-2 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 12 Due Sunday, April 19 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 7 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 7: April 14 (Section 2-4 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 12 Due Sunday, April 19 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 8 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 8: April 15 (Section 3-1 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 12 Due Sunday, April 19 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 9 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 9: April 16 (Section 3-2 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 12 Due Sunday, April 19 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 10 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 0: April 17 (Section 7-1 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 12 Due Sunday, April 19 at 11:59 pm
4-4-2020 UPDATE:
On Monday, April 6th we have our first official NTI Day! For the first two weeks, we're going to review old material. After that, we'll return to Ch 8.
There are two ways to complete your work. The first will be doing the assignments within EnVision. For the review sections you'll have a five question assignment. Remember that there are help options (like "View an Example") within each problem. For NTI Week 1, all assignments will open on Monday, April 6th and will be due on Sunday, April 12th. That means that you can be flexible on when you complete them, but PLEASE don't leave them all to the last minute :) The assignments for NTI Week 2 (Days 6-10) will open on Sunday the 12th (in case you want to get ahead!) and will be due on Sunday the 19th.
The second option you have if you can't access EnVision at home is to work in your textbook-I have assignments ready that mirror what other people will be doing in EnVision. Please reach out to me if you can't access EnVision. You can email me at [email protected] or message me on Remind. OR if you have a friend in the class who can't access it (and may not have a way to contact me) please let me know that too so I can reach out to them a different way.
One huge reminder---I am still here to help even though I won't see you in person! We can talk via email or we can set up a virtual chat through something like Google Hangout! Later this week we'll try to organize some times that the whole class (or at least whoever is available then) can meet. I'd love to see all of you, even from a distance! Further info on that coming soon! Reach out to me if you need anything at all!!!!
I'm posting a schedule below, but you should be able to tell what is assigned via EnVision.
NTI Day 1 Assignment: "NTI Day 1: April 6 (Section 1-2 Review Assignment) Opens Monday, April 6 Due Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 2 Assignment: "NTI Day 2: April 7 (Section 1-3 Review Assignment) Opens Monday, April 6 Due Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 3 Assignment: "NTI Day 3: April 8 (Section 1-5 Review Assignment) Opens Monday, April 6 Due Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 4 Assignment: "NTI Day 4: April 9 (Section 1-6 Review Assignment) Opens Monday, April 6 Due Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 5 Assignment: "NTI Day 5: April 10 (Section 2-1 Review Assignment) Opens Monday, April 6 Due Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm
To keep up to date, be sure to join our Remind group: text @drjalg180 to 81010
5-8-2020 Update
Algebra 1
Guys, we are almost done with the year! Make sure you’re staying on top of everything so that you can really finish strong! Get me any missing work you have! Remember that EnVision doesn’t do a great job of notifying me when a student turns in late work, so if you think I have missed grading one of your assignments, please let me know 😊 The work for this week is due on Friday, May 15th, but I won’t be checking it until Monday, May 18th if you need the time over the weekend to get it done. (Plus, you can always submit it after that too, haha).
Here is the schedule for Week 6, though you should be able to tell what is assigned on EnVision. We are finishing Topic 9. Because it is new material, I am also posting short (less than 10 minutes) videos that will hopefully help you complete the assignments. These videos should show up on your assignment list within EnVision…let me know if you have trouble accessing them! Thursday is our last content EVER, and Friday will be a catch-up day. May 18 – May 27 is also time for getting caught up!!!
ALWAYS reach out with questions! I am available via email ([email protected]), Remind, or we can meet virtually via Google Hangouts!
Thanks again guys! I hope you’re doing ok!!!
NTI Days 26-30 Schedule
NTI Day 26/27 EnVision Assignment: Open Note Quiz over 9.2 and 9.3.
Opens Sunday, May 11 Due Sunday, May 15 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 28 EnVision Assignments: 9-4 Virtual Nerd Video (“What is the Square Root Property) AND
NTI Day 28: May 13 (9-4 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 11 Due Sunday, May 15 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 29 EnVision Assignments: 9-6 Video AND
NTI Day 29: May 14 (9-6 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 11 Due Sunday, May 15 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 30 No new assignments….ever! Make sure you’re getting me all missing assignments from our NTI time (they’ll all be posted on EnVision), and get me any missing assignments from January – March (see scanned copies and directions for submitting at
Seriously guys, I really miss you. You were the BEST Algebra 1 class I’ve ever had, and it stinks that I didn’t get to see you the last two months. I hope you’ll always reach out to me when you need something, and come say hi in the fall!!!
5-3-2020 Update
NTI Day 21 EnVision Assignments: Virtual Nerd Video (What is the Zero Product Property) AND
NTI Day 21: May 4 (9-2 Day 1 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 4 Due Sunday, May 10 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 22 EnVision Assignments: Virtual Nerd Video (“How to Solve a Word Problem…”) AND
NTI Day 22: May 5 (9-2 Day 2 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 4 Due Sunday, May 10 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 23 EnVision Assignments: 9-3 Day 1 Video AND
NTI Day 23: May 6 (9-3 Day 1 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 4 Due Sunday, May 10 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 24 EnVision Assignments: 9-3 Day 2 Video AND
NTI Day 24: May 7 (9-3 Day 2 Practice)
Opens Sunday, May 4 Due Sunday, May 10at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 25 Catch up day!
4-24-2020 Update
NTI Days 16-20 Schedule
NTI Day 16 EnVision Assignments: 8-2 Video AND NTI Day 16: April 27 (8-2 Practice)
Opens Sunday, April 26 Due Sunday, May 3 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 17 EnVision Assignments: 8-3 Video AND NTI Day 17: April 28 (8-3 Practice)
Opens Sunday, April 26 Due Sunday, May 3 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 18 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 18: April 29 (8-2 and 8-3 Open Note Quiz)
Opens Sunday, April 26 Due Sunday, May 3 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 19 EnVision Assignments: 9-1 Video AND NTI Day 19: April 30 (9-1 Practice)
Opens Sunday, April 26 Due Sunday, May 3 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 20 No new assignment! Catch up in this class! Catch up on another class! Catch up on
sleep! Do whatever seems beneficial 😊 And have a great weekend!
4-17-2020 Update
NTI Day 11 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 11: April 20 (Section 7-2 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 19 Due Sunday, April 26 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 12 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 12: April 21 (Section 7-3 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 19 Due Sunday, April 26 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 13 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 13 April 22 (Section 7-4 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 19 Due Sunday, April 26 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 14 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 14: April 23 (Section 7-5 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 19 Due Sunday, April 26 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 15 No new assignment! Catch up in this class! Catch up on another class! Catch up on
sleep! Do whatever seems beneficial 😊 And have a great weekend!
4-10-2020 UPDATE:
Thanks to everyone who worked so hard last week! Here is the schedule for Week 2, though you should be able to tell what is assigned on EnVision.
ALWAYS reach out with questions! I am available via email ([email protected]), Remind, or we can meet virtually via Google Hangouts!
Thanks guys! I really miss seeing your sweet faces 😊
NTI Day 6 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 6: April 13 (Section 2-2 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 12 Due Sunday, April 19 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 7 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 7: April 14 (Section 2-4 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 12 Due Sunday, April 19 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 8 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 8: April 15 (Section 3-1 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 12 Due Sunday, April 19 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 9 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 9: April 16 (Section 3-2 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 12 Due Sunday, April 19 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 10 EnVision Assignment: NTI Day 0: April 17 (Section 7-1 Review Assignment)
Opens Sunday, April 12 Due Sunday, April 19 at 11:59 pm
4-4-2020 UPDATE:
On Monday, April 6th we have our first official NTI Day! For the first two weeks, we're going to review old material. After that, we'll return to Ch 8.
There are two ways to complete your work. The first will be doing the assignments within EnVision. For the review sections you'll have a five question assignment. Remember that there are help options (like "View an Example") within each problem. For NTI Week 1, all assignments will open on Monday, April 6th and will be due on Sunday, April 12th. That means that you can be flexible on when you complete them, but PLEASE don't leave them all to the last minute :) The assignments for NTI Week 2 (Days 6-10) will open on Sunday the 12th (in case you want to get ahead!) and will be due on Sunday the 19th.
The second option you have if you can't access EnVision at home is to work in your textbook-I have assignments ready that mirror what other people will be doing in EnVision. Please reach out to me if you can't access EnVision. You can email me at [email protected] or message me on Remind. OR if you have a friend in the class who can't access it (and may not have a way to contact me) please let me know that too so I can reach out to them a different way.
One huge reminder---I am still here to help even though I won't see you in person! We can talk via email or we can set up a virtual chat through something like Google Hangout! Later this week we'll try to organize some times that the whole class (or at least whoever is available then) can meet. I'd love to see all of you, even from a distance! Further info on that coming soon! Reach out to me if you need anything at all!!!!
I'm posting a schedule below, but you should be able to tell what is assigned via EnVision.
NTI Day 1 Assignment: "NTI Day 1: April 6 (Section 1-2 Review Assignment) Opens Monday, April 6 Due Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 2 Assignment: "NTI Day 2: April 7 (Section 1-3 Review Assignment) Opens Monday, April 6 Due Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 3 Assignment: "NTI Day 3: April 8 (Section 1-5 Review Assignment) Opens Monday, April 6 Due Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 4 Assignment: "NTI Day 4: April 9 (Section 1-6 Review Assignment) Opens Monday, April 6 Due Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm
NTI Day 5 Assignment: "NTI Day 5: April 10 (Section 2-1 Review Assignment) Opens Monday, April 6 Due Sunday, April 12 at 11:59 pm

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3-13: Notes in WB. Got materials to take home. Be sure to join Remind if you haven't (see instructions above). You don't have any work on your to-do list yet....just watch for Remind announcements to tell you what gets assigned.
3-12: 8-2 Additional Practice WS
3-11: 8.1 WS done in class, due at end for participation. No HW
3-10: With Mrs. Lane: 8.1 Read and Try packet
3-9: 8.5 notes in class, collected for participation. Tomorrow you'll be in Room 111 with Mrs. Lane with a "Read and Try" packet to complete
3-6: CA 4 in class
3-5: Finish Partner Problems for bonus. Common Assessment tomorrow!
3-4: CA Review Cards. Test on Friday!
3-3: Go over Review #1. Remember CA 3 will be given in class Friday!
3-2: Common Assessment 3 will be given in class on Friday! We start reviewing today: Review #1 with set of hints (we'll go over this in class tomorrow!)
2-28: Ch 7 Part 2 Quiz
2-27: Go over review. Quiz tomorrow
2-26: In class time for Ch 7 Part 2 Review. It's worth double points! Finish for homework if not finished in class. Test on Friday? Snow day Friday?
Then test will be moved to Monday.
2-25: 7-7 Additional Practice sheet for notes (collected for participation). No HW! Remember....test on Friday!
2-24: 7-6 Additional Practice WS (on back of note)--do only #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
2-21: Additional 7.6 Notes: Factoring ax2+bx+c by Splitting the Middle Terms. Turn in Notes for participation grade, no HW!
2-20: Finish 7.6 notes. 30 Question Factoring WS with answer bank at bottom. Finish at home if not finished for homework!
2-19: Turnover Cards in class. Start 7.6 Notes, no HW
2-18: WS: "Factor x2 + bx + c: Practice". Finish for HW if not complete in class
2-14: Notes: Factor by Grouping. Factor by Grouping WS...finish for HW if not done in class
2-13: WS packet with sub, practice GCF
2-12: 7-4 Notes in class, no HW
2-11: In class: 7.1-7.3 Quiz. After--7.4 Read and Try
2-10: In class, 7.1-7.3 quiz review and extra review. Quiz tomorrow!
2-5: in class: 7.1-7.3 Math XL practice on EnVision
2-4: Back page of Area and Perimeter WS. 7.1-7.3 Quiz on Friday!
2-3: 9 Question "Donut" WS. When done, do "Check/Try/Check"--check your solutions, try a similar problem, and then check that one on the back
1-31: 7.1 and part 1 of 7.2 notes in class, no HW. Enjoy your weekend!
1-30: Packet with sub, due at the end of the hour!
1-29: Topic 6 Exam
1-28: Two extra practice WS's" "Mountains" and the folding WS. Be ready for the test tomorrow!
1-27: Date change! Topic 6 Exam is moved to Wednesday! You'll have more study materials in class tomorrow. Be ready to work!!!!
1-24: Work on Clock (optional, extra credit), finish "Now you Try" packet if not done yesterday. Complete Topic 6 Exam review, due Monday, worth double points!
1-23: Quick Compound Interest WS, and start test review..."Now You Try" packet. Test on Tuesday, Jan 28th.
1-22: "Clock" Project
1-21: 4 Page Notes packet (exponential growth) in class for participation. No HW
1-17: EnVision Day: In class Practice assignment on Chromebooks over 6-4.
1-16: 6-4 HW WS
1-15: Finish last example on WS. No HW
1-14: 6.2 Notes packet in class. Turn in for participation points, no HW. Test date has is now tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, Jan 28th.
1-13: Check/Try/Check Cards over Friday's HW. Start 6.2 Notes in WB. No HW. Topic 6 Exam will be at the end of next week!
1-10: Eight Question WS: Solving Exponential Equations
1-9: Rational Exponents Mix and Match activity, no HW
1-8: Back page of Rational Exponents/Radicals WS, due by end of class
1-7: Exponent Cards Mix and Match Activity, no HW!
1-6: Properties of Exponents Exploration and Notes in class (turn in notes for participation grade). No HW!
NOTICE: ALL CLASSES-if you need to make up an old test, the deadline is 3:30 on Thursday, December 12th
12-17: Go over #34-50 on Final Exam Review. Final on Thursday!
12-16: Go over #17-33 on Final Exam Review in class. No HW
12-13: Go over #1-16 on Final Exam Review in class. No HW
12-12: 1.7/5.1/5.4 Quiz. We start Final Exam Review materials tomorrow! You're final is on Thursday, December 19th
12-11: Go over quiz review, plus additional review materials in class. Quiz tomorrow!
12-10: 1.7/5.1/5.4 Quiz Review
12-9: 5.4 Notes in class. No HW!
12-6: 5.1 Practice packet
12-5: 5.1 Day 1 Notes in WB. No HW! Quiz over 1.7, 5.1, and 5.4 on Thursday, 12-12!
12-4: 1.7 Day 2 HW WS (Solving Absolute Value Inequalities)
12-3: 1.7 Day 1 HW WS (Solving Absolute Value Equations)
12-2: Enter Common Assessment #2 Data. Complete all four Newsela articles. Not finished with Newsela? Go to, sign in through Clever, then through google, and then look for your assignment list on the left. Be sure to do the four assigned from me (K Johnson)
11-26: Formative Assessment Lesson-Baseball Jerseys
11-25: Finish all Common Assessments
11-22: Common Assessment (or you can take it on Monday!) Took it today? Bring something to work on Monday!
11-12: Time for Review Cards to prep for CA 2. You can take the Common Assessment Friday or Monday-your choice! Bring something else to work
on during the other hour you're not testing.
11-20: #11-20 on Common Assessment 2 Review
11-19: Topic 4 Exam. After: Complete #1-10 on Common Assessment 2 Review
11-18: In class, go over Exam Review. Optional: Last Minute Review WS. Test tomorrow!
11-15: Topic 4 Exam review (if not turned in at the end of the hour). Test on Tuesday!
11-14: WS 9.16 (Due at end of hour). Friday and Monday will be review, Tuesday is the Topic 4 Exam!
11-13: 4.4 HW WS
11-12: No new HW. Finish Monday's HW if not done last night.
11-11: Word Problem Chart WS
11-8: Due at end of class....6 question systems WS
11-7: 4-3 Additional Practice WS 9#1-6, 11)
11-6: Begin 4-3 Elimination Notes, no HW
11-4: 4-2 Additional Practice WS
11-1: 4.1 WS due at end of hour. No HW
10-30: Topic 3 Exam
10-29: Test tomorrow! Went over study guide in class. Additional practice WS is optional but suggested!
10-28: Topic 3 Exam review. Due Tuesday beginning of class and is worth double points! Test on Wednesday!
10-25: Complete Spider Web Linear Regression Project
10-24: Start Spider Web Linear Regression Project
10-23: 3-6 WS in class, due at end of hour. no HW
10-22: 3-5 Additional Practice WS's in class. Due at end for participation grade. no HW
10-21: 3-5 packet in class (due at end for participation grade). No HW
10-18: MathXL Practice in class (3.1, 3.2, and 3.4 review assignment), No HW! Have a great weekend!
10-17: Hw (if not finished in class) is the back page of the Arithmetic Sequence HW packet
10-16: Pumpkin Function WS
10-15: Cell Phone Problem due at the end of the hour, no HW
10-14: In class: 3-1 practice and 3-2 Notes. No HW tonight!
10-11: EnVision 3-1 In Class Practice
10-10: 3-1 3 page packet, due at end of hour...then no HW!
10-9: 20 Question Quiz (CA 1). After: "What is a Function" Read and Try WS
10-8: Extra review cards in class to get ready for our 20 question quiz tomorrow! Be sure to study tonight!
10-7: CHANGE IN DATE! Our 20 question quiz will be on Wednesday instead of Tuesday! We'll review tomorrow in class and then you'll
need to study Tuesday night!
10-2: Common Assessment Exam Review. The Common Assessment, a 20 question quiz that reviews Topic 1 and Topic 2 will be on Tuesday, October 9th!
10-1: Topic 2 Exam! No HW
9-30: Went over Exam review in class. Optional Color Match WS for extra practice. Test tomorrow! Come see me in the morning if you have questions!
9-27: Topic 2 Exam Review, worth double points! Due on Monday, test on Tuesday!
9-26: Parallel vs. Perpendicular Read and Try
9-25: Cut and Paste activity in class, no HW
9-24: WS "6" (graphing using Standard Form)
9-23: Finish all other problems on the back of the 2-3 Notes from class today. NOTE: Topic 2 Exam scheduled for Tuesday, October 1! All Topic 2 makeup work is
due that day as well!
9-20: Field Trip Day! No HW
9-19: 16 square ws...match the two points with the equation they define.
9-18: Point-slope --> Slope-intercept form WS---front only!
9-17: Elderly Animal WS
9-16: Slope-Intercept Form WS....fill out the table with answers from the answer bank
9-13: More slope practice in class. No HW if done with Partner Problems in class!
9-12: 12 question Slope WS
9-11: 1.5/1.6 Quiz today in class. After: Read and Try WS
9-10: Study for quiz tomorrow!!! HINT: It looks reeeeeally like the review :)
9-9: Quiz Review due at end of hour. Quiz covering inequalities (1.5 and 1.6 on Wednesday)
9-6: EnVision Practice in class, no HW
9-5: 1.6 in class practice, no HW. 1.5/1.6 quiz...tenatively Wednesday!
9-4: Start 1.6 notes in class, no HW
9-3: 1-5 Additional Practice WS
8-30: 1.1-1.4 Exam! After...15 question equation need to do the equations but the coloring is optional bonus
8-29: Study for Exam tomorrow! Also...if you have make up from from since the beginning of school, it's due tomorrow too! Study your Exam Review.
Turnover cards from class are optional!
8-28: Exam Review, due beginning of class's worth double points! Test on Friday,and get me any make up work by then too!
8-27: Another great day! Excellent work! In class we did 1.1-1.4 EnVision Practice online. No HW! Don't forget to be collecting any make up work that
you need to get me by the test day on Friday!
8-26: No HW! Test on Friday covering sections 1.1-1.4. You'll get your review sheet on Wednesday! Friday is also the deadline for any missing work
since the beginning of school.
8-22: In class....more practice on Equations, especially those with variables on both sides. No HW! Great work this week!
Tentative date for exam over 1.1-1.4 is Friday, August 30th. Enjoy your long weekend!
8-21: WS "Why Do Cowboys...." Do first column for full credit, do both columns for bonus!
8-20: Finish 1-2 notesheet, practice logging into EnVision. Well done! No HW
8-19: Great work in class today! No HW!
8-16: "Partner Problems-Solving One-Variable Equations" one column for full credit, do both columns for bonus!
8-15: Great work today! Bring signed syllabus tomorrow if you forgot it today. HW: Solving Equations WS (left column only!)
8-14: Welcome to Algebra 1! Please get your syllabus signed by your parents. Also complete the Distribution WS we started in class...match the questions with
the answers!